Can someone comment and tell me what "DH" stands for? I've seen it in others' posts and assume it refers to one's husband, but I'm not sure.
So, speaking of which, I had an argument with my husband over the weekend that I let get the best of me. I ate when I wasn't hungry and ate things I didn't even want much. I've gotta figure out a "next best" to soothe me in those moments without turning to comfort food. A punching bag would be good! I'm kind of kidding, but actually I might look into it! I chew violently when I'm upset, so if I can do something else physical, but not something I have to put on workout clothes for, then I can use that to feel better. Of course, I could always go on a jog, but it doesn't work very well as my Plan A because, seriously, am I really going to go on a jog?
My challenge of the week or next two weeks, depending on how long it takes to do well, is to eat more fruit. I love the taste and texture of most fruits, but I tend to forgo them in favor of dessert or a drink. I like to have a salty food and then a sweet food, so I usually wouldn't have, for example, fruit and then dessert. But if I think "fruit for dessert," it's almost stoic, like I'm undertaking this huge diet task. So I am at about 1 fruit per day on a good day, and my goal is to have 2-3 fruits per day. Having them as snacks seems easiest to start with, and then I'll incorporate them into meals as I progress.
Another challenge that I've been working on since the New Year is going to bed earlier. I won't bore with all the reasons it's difficult, since it's similar for most people. I want to do it because when I go to bed at 4AM, I have probably not eaten the healthiest dinner, and I've probably had some snacks, and maybe a few drinks and some late night Jack-in-the-Box (my only fast food weakness!). And then I get up and think, "well I have so much to do, I had better not waste time on a workout." Bad idea! So I was doing pretty well for about 2 weeks, but then I got sick, and let myself sleep in until the afternoon, and what do you know I wasn't tired until late late late that evening! I usually fall asleep at lightning speed, and I hate when it takes 15 minutes to fall asleep and I'm just lying there trying to breathe deeply or something. Falling asleep is one of the only things for which trying actually hinders progress! So my goal in that area is to start getting ready for bed at midnight, be in bed by 12:30, and have lights out by 1:30. If I don't fall asleep in 15 minutes or so, I can read some more, but I should at least give it a chance.
One bit of progress is that I craved tomato-ey sauce, as I often do, and instead of ordering a pizza with extra sauce, I had some low fat organic creamy tomato soup. I wouldn't count it as progress if the soup didn't satisfy my craving, but it really did! That's a good example of what I'm trying to do with balancing nutrition and satisfaction--pretty much having the healthiest satisfying version of whatever I crave. I could have told myself "I should have more protein in my dinner" but I feel like if my body is craving protein it'll tell me. More often, if I really think about it, I don't know what the heck I want to eat. So if I am craving something, I'll pretty much acknowledge it in some way. (I'm reminding myself that I don't want to use the word "indulge" since it's not a sin to eat what one craves.)